Following is a sampling, by topic, 博彩平台推荐的教职员工和管理人员都是各自领域的顶尖专家,他们为几家媒体的记者提供了经验丰富、善于表达的及时话题资源.
联系亚洲体育博彩平台的这些专家和其他专家, 联系媒体关系办公室, at 1-508-793-7554; 1-508-365-8736. 我们也将帮助找到相关的学生和行政资源. A complete faculty directory is also available.
Valerie Sperling, author of Sex, Politics, & 普京:俄罗斯的政治合法性 -全球化和问责制, social movements, gender politics, patriotism and militarism, 以及后共产主义地区的国家建设. Recent coverage: 为什么普京和他的一些女粉丝会赤膊上阵 (Huffington Post)
Political scientist Robert Boatright — American political behavior, political parties, campaigns and elections, interest groups, political participation, and political theory. Editor: “The Deregulatory Moment? 变化中的竞选财务法的比较视角(密歇根大学出版社),著有《美国和加拿大的利益集团和竞选资金改革(密歇根大学出版社). Recent: 布鲁金斯学会小组/中期选举
Michael J. Butler, 政治学副教授-安全研究和政策方面的专业知识(国家), international, and human security). 近期活动:提出“新的十年,新的困境”? “新冠肺炎对国家安全的影响”,伍斯特世界事务委员会, March 10, 2020. Author of “重新审视证券化:当代应用和见解(Routledge 2019) ClarkNow.
Political scientist Heather Silber Mohamed – Latino politics, 移民社会化与参与, immigration policy, and identity politics in the U.S.,重点关注种族、阶级和性别的影响. Recent coverage: 拉美裔在2016年的竞选中被视为“沉睡的巨人” (Providence Journal)
Nathan Ahlgren病毒方面的生物学教授(微生物生态学家 COVID-19 data plots for Worcester, Mass. Featured in “Nathan Ahlgren creates tangible impact in fight against COVID-19; Biology professor 3D-prints face shields for health care workers” (ClarkNow), Nathan Ahlgren教授制作面罩.
John C. Brown, professor of economics
Holly Dolan, 亚当城市教育和学校实践研究所实践教授. Quoted in “专家表示,政府关门可能会对学校和学生产生持久影响” (Worcester Telegram & Gazette)
Feminist writer
Cynthia Enloe, research professor in the 可持续发展和社会正义(前IDCE)司 and affiliate faculty in the Political Science and Women’s and Gender Studies departments. Author of “COVID-19:对病毒“发动战争”不是我们需要做的” and “COVID-19:把剑变成呼吸机? 或者是呼吸机变成剑?(国际妇女和平联盟 & Freedom)
Film, movies (future of)
Soren Sorensen他是视觉与表演艺术系银幕研究讲师
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, senior research scholar. Quoted in “冠状病毒让人们错过了一生一次的时刻。” (Yahoo! Finance) and “年轻人被告知在冠状病毒期间要呆在家里,但家在哪里?” (The Washington Post).
Management, remote work
Laura Graves博彩平台推荐管理学教授 School of Management. 引用自“在家工作——成功的策略”(伍斯特商业杂志)和“掌握远程工作的4个关键” (
Michael Addis他是心理学教授,也是该中心的主任 男性幸福研究小组. Author of “《看不见的男人:男人的内心世界和沉默的后果.” Quoted in “男性的焦虑看起来不一样” (Wall Street Journal), 为“了解男性的焦虑可能有何不同”接受采访(WBUR).
Nadia Ward, M.Ed, Ph.D., director of the 莫萨科夫斯基公共企业研究所
Wendy Grolnick, professor of psychology, parenting during a pandemic, 儿童和青少年的动机发展. Author, “Pressured Parents, 压力过大的孩子:在培养一个成功孩子的同时应对竞争”-最近的报道:在冠状病毒期间,父母激励孩子、避免在家里发脾气的5种方法, 根据一位育儿专家的说法” (Yahoo! News)
Psychology (developmental)
Nancy Budwig, professor, Frances L. Hiatt School of Psychology. 在发展和学习科学方面的专业知识, liberal education, 在线教学时代的参与式学习. – Recent coverage “大学努力满足更多实践教育的需求” (高等教育纪事)和 《为什么创新激励不起作用》 (In a Special Report, 《亚洲体育博彩平台》,(高等教育纪事).
Ana Marcelo, assistant professor, Frances L. Hiatt School of Psychology. Quoted in “‘Are the germs gone?如何与年幼的孩子谈论正在进行的冠状病毒大流行(马萨诸塞州阿特尔伯勒《亚洲体育博彩平台》.)
Gino DiIorio, professor of theatre
Ora Szekely – Non-state military actors, the politics of the Middle East, 大规模暴力和平民保护, new media, propaganda, and political mobilization. Recent coverage: 叙利亚政权的非国家盟友下一步该怎么办? (Washington Post)
Douglas Little ——美国外交史.S. 与中东的关系,美国.S. 在1967年的六日战争和1979年的伊朗革命之间对激进伊斯兰教的反应. Recent Coverage: 帝国-叙利亚和美国:沉默的同谋 (Al Jazeera English)
Anita Häusermann Fábos — Refugees and forced migrants, especially refugees in urban areas in the Middle East and Africa; population displacement and mobility; gender, diaspora, and citizenship; anthropology of ethnicity and race; transnational Islam; Arab League states’ immigration and naturalisation policies; music and migration; Muslim Arab Sudanese diaspora. Recent coverage: 如何建设一个完美的难民营 (New York Times)
Wildfires, drought
Christopher Williams — Drought, terrestrial ecosystem ecology, ecosystem-climate interactions, global environmental change; energy-water-carbon exchanges. Recent coverage: Hundred-Year Forecast: Drought (New York Times); Mega-Droughts In Our Future (NPR On Point)
Dominik Kulakowski -树皮甲虫爆发,扰乱生态,景观变化,山林生态系统. Recent coverage: Powerhouse wildfire north of L.A. 预示着一个更长的火灾季节(Christian Science Monitor)
John Rogan -地理学家,专长于景观生态学、火灾生态学、光学遥感和地理信息科学. Recent coverage: Trees under multiple threats Worcester Telegram (Opinion)
Latin American politics
Paul Posner副教授兼拉丁美洲和拉丁研究主任. Expertise in labor politics, 社会福利资源分配的政治学, 拉丁美洲的新左派和民粹主义, with specific focus on Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, and Venezuela. 目前的研究重点是拉丁美洲的民主化和政治参与. 他教授拉丁美洲政治课程.S.-拉丁美洲关系,比较环境政治和民主理论. Recent coverage: 智利的政治危机是已故的独裁者皮诺切特留下的另一个残酷遗产
Michael Butler, associate professor. 国际安全方面的专业知识(不仅仅是传统的“枪支和炸弹”和强权政治), 谈判和调解(一般的冲突管理和解决), humanitarian crisis, terrorism, climate change, foreign policy (U.S. 和欧洲事务,朝鲜. Recent coverage: 特朗普的对朝政策动摇了韩国的意识形态政治
Jeffrey Arnett, developer of the theory of emerging adulthood (on development from age 18–29) — Media uses in adolescence; responses to cigarette advertising. Author: “Getting to 30: A Parent’s Guide to the Twentysomething Years” (Workman Publishing 2014); “When Will My Grown-Up Kid Grow Up?” (May 2013). Director, 博彩平台推荐新成人调查. Recent coverage: 官方消息:回巢族不会离开 (New York Times); 千禧一代:自我自我的一代 (Time Magazine); What Is It About 20-Somethings? (New York Times); When do you become a grown-up? (The Today Show)
J. Ronald Eastman -地理信息系统, remote sensing, and cartography; director, Clark Labs; Earth Modeling blog. 最近报道:绘制地球健康图表(波士顿环球报)
Karen Frey – Permafrost thaw on river biogeochemistry; impacts of sea ice variability; co-PI of The Polaris Project, and NASA ICESCAPE mission. Recent coverage: NOVA:在白令海的薄冰上 (WGBH TV)
William S. Lynn -研究伦理和公共政策的科学家, 强调环境话语, human-animal relations, and participatory governance. Recent coverage: 澳大利亚对野猫的战争:摇摇欲坠的科学,缺失的伦理 (The Conversation); 研究杀害横斑猫头鹰的伦理意义 (Oregon Public Broadcasting); 一个道德困境:杀死一个物种来拯救另一个物种是可以的吗? (Yakima Herald)
Holocaust and Genocide
Thomas Kühne — Holocaust history; the relation of war, genocide, and society with long-term traditions of political culture of Central Europe; the problem of locating the Holocaust and Nazi Germany in the social and cultural history of the 20th century. 斯特拉斯勒大屠杀和种族灭绝研究中心主任. Author of “归属与种族灭绝:希特勒的共同体1918-1945” (Yale University Press)
Abbie Goldberg – Gay/lesbian parenting; adoption; the transition to parenthood; work-family issues; family diversity; gender. 作者:《同性恋父母和他们的孩子:家庭生命周期的研究.” Recent coverage: Beyond Dolls vs. 卡车:同性父母的孩子如何可能较少受到性别刻板印象的约束, and Why It Matters (Huffington Post); 我们现在的生活方式——同性恋父母教给我们的 (New York Times Magazine)
Wendy Grolnick -儿童和青少年的动机发展. Author: “Pressured Parents, 压力过大的孩子:在培养一个成功孩子的同时应对竞争”——最近的报道: 对父母来说,青少年体育是“体育军备竞赛” (Huffington Post), 溺爱、竞争和共同核心 (Huffington Post)
James Córdova -夫妻和家庭研究中心主任. Author: “婚姻检查:维持和加强婚姻健康的科学方案” and “《婚姻体检从业者指南:促进终身关系健康》.”- Recent coverage: 我是Fredricka Whitfield, “绩效评估可能对你的婚姻有益” (Wall Street Journal)
Deborah Merrill -研究的重点是父母和成年子女在晚年以及婚姻中的关系, 精通婆媳关系, caregiving. Author: “当你的孩子结婚:婚姻如何改变与成年子女的关系和《博彩平台推荐》(Newsblaze).com). Recent coverage: 亚洲体育博彩平台教授探索父母与同性恋姻亲的关系 (Worcester Telegram)
David Hibbett — Evolutionary biology/ecology of mushroom-forming fungi and relatives; uses of phylogenetic trees for studying the evolution of morphological and ecological characters. 最近报道:“死亡天使”蘑菇中毒母亲,儿子(WCVB-TV CH5波士顿)
Arshad Kudrolli -广泛的非平衡现象,颗粒材料和生物物理学. 活性物质:最近报道: What Holds the World Together? The Cheerios Effect (Fox News)
Charles Agosta -低温实验学家在非常高的磁场下研究低维材料. 阿戈斯塔和他的学生开发了一个脉冲磁场实验室,在这里,实验可以在任何美国实验室中可用的最高磁场中进行.S. university. Agosta, MachFlow Energy Inc .首席执行官.从能源部获得了100万美元的资助. Recent coverage: 亚洲体育博彩平台商业获得100万美元刺激 (Worcester Telegram)